About Xarxa2025-01-10T09:40:59+00:00
Mission // Vision

La Xarxa RDI-IA

té com a missió dotar l’ecosistema català d’IA de mecanismes de transferència tecnològica i de valorització del coneixement generat a les universitats i centres tecnològics.

Through the different valorisation initiatives offered by the Xarxa, the aim is to consolidate the Catalan AI ecosystem, with the vision of positioning it as a hub for research and innovation in Southern Europe, articulating the interaction between scientific actors and establishing links with the business sector, generating socio-economic impact.

To achieve this, the Xarxa proposes four lines of action for its members:


Consultancy and assessment services for early-stage solutions. Aimed at technologies with a TRL 1-3, the Pathfinder programme offers valuation coupons to support these to have a first approach to the market.


The Innovation Lab is aimed at technologies in a mature stage (TRL 4-6) that have achieved an initial validation in the laboratory. This support, by means of consultancy and valuation coupons, aims to increase the strategies of each technology for its arrival on the market.


This line of action is aimed at the creation of new science-based companies. The Xarxa will offer an acceleration mechanism for those technologies that intend to become a new company and will support them until that moment.


The Xarxa RDI-IA offers all its members, research staff and students, the opportunity to enter the world of entrepreneurship and innovation through training modules. The objective of this initiative is to explain the different transfer methods available and the challenge of finding practical applications for their research.



PhD in Computer Science from the University of Liverpool. He is currently the Associate Director of the Computer Vision Center and an Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His research focuses on computer vision and machine learning, particularly in robust reading systems and document image analysis. Additionally, he has experience in technology transfer, having co-founded several spin-offs.


Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ramon Llull University, Sergi is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship. His professional career has always been connected to technology transfer, notably through his involvement in the business creation program of Mobile World Capital Barcelona (The Collider).


Graduated in Business Administration and Management with a specialization in finance from the University of Barcelona, Andrea is currently developing her professional career as a research project manager at the Computer Vision Center. With prior experience in the financial sector, her genuine interest in new technologies and innovation, along with her focus on developing creative solutions, have been the key pillars that led her to enter this field.


Graduated in Journalism and specialized in corporate communication, Marc is passionate about radio communication and social media. He is currently a communications officer at the Computer Vision Center and the Marketing and Communication Manager for the Xarxa RDI-IA.

Groups and institutions

Grups que formen part de la xarxa i les seves institucions

  • BSC – High Performance Artificial Intelligence
  • BSC – Integrative Computational Network Biology (INCONBI)
  • CVC – Vision-based Autonomous driving
  • CVC – Doc AI: Document Intelligence
  • CVC – Learning and Machine Perception (LAMP)
  • CVC – Multispectral Analysis and Color Vision
  • CVC – Custom Intelligent Computing Systems (CICS)
  • EURECAT – Digital Manufacturing of advanced Materials-DINAMAT
  • IRI – RAIG: Mobile Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Group
  • IRI – RobIRI: Percepció i Manipulació Robotitzada
  • UB – Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Applications (AIBA)
  • UB – Grup d’Intel·ligència Artificial i Data Science
  • UB – WAI: Virtual Worlds, Visualization and AI Research Group
  • UPC – Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI)
  • UPF – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Research Group (AI & ML)
  • UPF – GTM-Grup Tecnologies Musicals
  • UPF – Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN)
  • UPF – Intelligent, Multimodal Vision Analysis (IMVA)
  • URL – Smart Society
  • URL – Her
  • URV – Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • URV – Tecnologies Intel·ligents per a l’Adquisició Avançada del Coneixement (ITAKA)
  • UVic – Grup de Recerca en Tractament de Dades i Senyals (DSP)

Groups and institutions

Grups que formen part de la xarxa i les seves institucions


The mission of the Xarxa RDI-IA is to create synergies between member research groups and the local innovation and business ecosystem. For this reason, the Xarxa has established a network of partners to facilitate this process:




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